My Future Plans

10 Year Plan

In 10 years, I would like to have a job related to business. I will graduate college in 2028 and probably major in business or some type of managment. I hope to have a decent paying job and a car that can get me to the places I need to be and back. I also hope to have an affordable apartment when I graduate college.

College Choice

For college, I am attending Oakland University and will major in something business related, most likley. I will graduate in 2028, which is just over 4 years away.

List of possible majors

Carrer Choice

To acheive this goal, I can put a lot of effort in and work hard in college to get good enough grades to be able to get a well paying out of college job. I could also get a job on the college campus to gain additional experience of working a job. A job that could come from this is work in an office or a computer type of job depending on my exact major.

Personal Life

I would love to locate somewhere near Detroit, so I dont have to be far from where I grew up and so I could navigate myself around, since I would be familiar with the surrounding area. I would love to have an apartment that is nice and affordable. Marrige and kids are something I look forward to have down the line, preferably after I have established myself a well paying job with a reliable car and house/apartment.